Saturday, September 14, 2013

5 for 5 plus confessions!

I call it "5 for 5" because of +Lindsey Mart and The Sticky Note Addict, but it always ends up that I do these every Saturday so...5 for 7...?

Progress Report: old goals!
1. Most important: develop a topic for my senior seminar paper. (Other schools may call that your senior "thesis") YES! It's on the hybrid culture of nicaraguan immigrants in costa rica and the changes in costa rican society as they have "welcomed" the nicas. :) so excited.
2. Pay credit card bill. I CAN I just haven't. YES! finally!
3. Watch 2 movies on the list for my Hispanic Visual Arts paper. NO... i haven't been home near my Roku... i need to bring the wii to my parent's house so we have netflix...
4. Take hearing loss documentation to disabilities office at school! NO... omg. Get. It. Together.
5. Make an effort to have lunch/dinner with my Dad who I haven't seen in weeks. Effort made, success, no.

New goals!
1. Pack my lunch 3 out of 5 days this week. It's not realistic to think that I can actually do it all 5 days.
2. Re-do 3, 4, 5 from last week.
3. Order my face lotion and new coat (Mom's treat)
4. Record every expense in my new handy-dandy budget binder! (new blog on that to come with FREE printables)
5. Clean out fall/winter wardrobe and remnants of summer and take donations to Goodwill

1. I have no social skills thanks to homework. All I seem to have time to do is work.
2. I'm obsessed with +College Prepster
3. I've been seeing a school therapist to deal with stress at home and at school.
4. The crazier my life gets, the more organized I become.
5. Retail therapy seems to be the BEST medicine :)

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